
On Procrastination Of Domestic Duties

by Brynn Category Writing

I see you watching me; yon mottled dust,

Feathery filth, but clean you I must.

Oh how much I do thee loathe;

For all yon shelves do thee clothe.

Thou poorly sight of beggar’s chaff,

Thy unknown home of such rif raf.

From depths of scum thou dost appear;

To cloak all things both far and near.

Enthusiasm thus I lack;

or more than thee I loathe the act.

Such a bore time surely waste,

Yet here I sit in no great haste.

Must I fight thee in a duel?

Surrender now yon grimy fool!

Washed already I have this day,

Foe I’d rather stay that way.

The point alas I cannot see;

Omniscient you’ll always be.

Crawling, creeping, floating down,

Here to haunt me and surround.

So as I sit and curse at thee,

More time passes and I see.

For not my effervescent woe,

I could have finished long ago.

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